03 June 2012

Making your own soap (Lime)


100 g shea butter
100 g sunflower oil
400 g coconut oil
145 sodium hydroxide (do not touch)
10 ml essential lime oil
1 mould
disposable gloves
250 ml spring still water (not tap)
plastic mixing spoon
2 large bowls

step 1; put the coconut oil, shea butter and sunflower oil into the microwave in a microwave proof container and melt it. Then heat it up to 50-60 degrees.

step 2; put on your gloves and pour the water in the other bowl and gradually add the sodium hydroxide while stirring gently into the water until all the crystals have melted. It becomes hot while mixing, do not inhale the fumes.

step 3; pour the heated oil from the microwave gradually into the sodium hydroxide solution and keep stirring for 10 minutes. Then leave it for 5 minutes and keep stirring again (so on for 30 minutes). It will become thick like thick custard.

step 4; when the soap reaches a trace from your spoon it is ready. Now add the oil and pour the solution into the mould.

step 5; cover the mould with a plastic bag and a thick cloth for 24 hours.

step 6; remove the soap from the mould and cut it as desired.

step 7; leave the soap for 4 weeks and then it will be ready to use.

You can buy a complete package from http://www.sheabynature-skincare.co.uk/

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