09 July 2012

Chocolate Cupcake with mint filling and vanilla topping

These cupcakes are baked with the following ingredients:

150 gr fructose
180 gr diary butter
1.5 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 eggs
180 gr whole wheat flour
1.5 teaspoon baking powder
2 big spoons of cacao
1 tablet of chocolate 70 %

Mix all things and bake in the oven at 180/200 degrees for 15/20

I used a bakers topping and followed the recipe which included
After I added my own flavor. In this case, mint and vanilla.

After the cupcakes are cold, cut them open and smear them thin with mint
topping. Put them in their holder and then put the vanilla topping on
top of the cupcake.
These cupcakes taste like After Eight bonbons.

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